July 2022 Mystery Box
This month’s crystal boxes were designed to calm, ground and energize! I was feeling a little eclectic this month and wanted to curate a blend of crystals for a variety of usages.
Your box may contain some or all the crystals listed below based on your tier subscription level.
This crystal works well with the throat chakra to help encourage you to speak your mind, but also works to calm your energy as you speak. This can help you get your point across in a clear and concise manner.
Blue Kyanite is also good for working on your intuition.
Recommended Usage: Meditation, Carry in your Pocket for Enhanced Communication, Have it near by during any relaxin practices. While not water safe, having it near by when taking a relaxing bath or shower is a great way to use it too.
Sardoynx is a stone of courage and happiness. It is also beneficial for increasing your energy and conversational abilities.
Recommended Usage: Carrying it in your pocket or in mediation.
Petrified Wood Hearts
The ultimate grounding specimen . Great for calming your energy and grounding back in to your energy. Have you been feeling a little disconnected, having trouble concentrating or focusing? Try a meditation with this specimen, ideally barefoot on the earth.
Recommended Usage: Grounding meditation, carrying it in your pocket to ground you throughout the day.
Have you ever worked with a pendulum? They can be really helpful when trying to harness your inner knowledge or when working with any "yes or no" type questions. Check out our tutorial on you IGTV.
Recommended Usage: "Yes or No" questions, finding lost items. asking your higher self-questions.
Has very similar properties to the white selenite, but I feel the additional hematite inclusions that make it orange add a bit of joy and assist with increasing our self-confidence. If we are going to step into who we are, it is important that we are confident in the direction of our decisions.
Recommended Usage: Crystal grids, Meditation, carried in your pocket throughout the day.
Rutile Included Quartz Chunk or Tower
Rutile included quartz is the ultimate manifestation tool. This is an excellent crystal to use when you are trying to manifest something into your life.
Recommended Usage: Keep it near you while you build your vision board, journal or partake in manifestation mediations.
Tiger's Eye
This crystal is well know for it's ability to enhance your confidence, bring you luck, joy and abundance. It has very similar properties to citrine.
Recommended Usage: Abundance grids, in your pocket, in your wallet or purse.
This crystals is excellent for enhancing your intuition and doing dream work. If you have been called to do more dream work, try placing some labradorite under your pillow or on your nightstand.
Recommended Usage: Meditation or while sleeping
Note: If you are in therapy or working with someone to help you heal through the emotional side of your heart trauma, bring this crystal with you and perhaps hold it or have it in your pocket to enhance your emotional healing work.
Rough Citrine

This yellow, honey or amber tinged quartz beauty that is the expression of sunshine. Citrine is excellent for calling in positive energy, abundance and light while allowing us to focus our attention on the good energy in our lives, while still focusing on the healing of the negative events that have shape our emotional growth.
Recommended Usage: Crystal Grid, Meditation, Stored Safely in your Wallet, or Placed in the Money Corner of your Home.
Note: The money corner is the back left corner if you are looking in your home from your front door.
Is a wonderful plant to use for energetic cleansing. I recommended using when you feel the energy is stagnate in your home.
Oracle Card
How to use our intuitively selected Oracle card. Please google the name of the crystal you received for example “Quartz Chakra and Healing Properties” What chakra is quartz associated with? The crown chakra, then consider what parts of your crown chakra might need attention? Perhaps it is time to do some focused meditation on crown chakra cleansing.
(We are working to build a database of all this information and hope to have it all on our website within the next few months.)
Legal Disclaimers
Smoke cleansing and burning herbs is a responsibility, please be smart, burn wisely! Bella Luna (Soul Intentions LLC) is NOT responsible for damage or injury due to lack of care and attention when burning our smoke cleansing bundles. All responsibility is yours! Bella Luna (Soul Intentions LLC) shall not be responsible for any injuries, damages, or losses of any kind due to your use of any product purchased from Bella Luna (Soul Intention LLC). In any case, our maximum liability to you is the amount you paid for the product.Your purchase from Bella Luna (Soul Intentions LLC) signifies your acceptance of the aforementioned information and policies. Bella Luna (Soul Intentions LLC) never recommends using crystals to replace medical or psychological treatment. Crystals should only be used as a compliment to your medical or psychological treatment. Bella does not diagnose nor treat mental or medical health conditions.